How to Fix Portable Inspector (PI) Device Mount Issues on the Linux Platform
  • 08 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

How to Fix Portable Inspector (PI) Device Mount Issues on the Linux Platform

Article summary


This article provides instructions on fixing Portable Inspector devices mount issues on the Linux platform.


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  1. Plug in the Portable Inspector (PI) device.
  2. Find the PI device by using the command below.
lsblk -f | grep PI

The message below should appear.

  • PI DAT → /dev/sdb1
  • PI SYS → /dev/sdc1
3. Confirm whether PI DAT and PI SYS partitions are mounted or not by entering the command below.
cat /proc/mounts | grep <partition>


  • If no message appears, it means this partition is not mounted. Please go directly to Step 5.

  • If a mount point message appears, please clear the mount points. Go to Step 4 and repeat until the mount point is clean.

  1. Unmount the mount points if the partitions are mounted. If the partition unmounts successfully, there should be no response to the command.
sudo umount <partition>


If the partition is already unmounted to any mount points and users try to run the command, users will receive the message "not mounted".

5. Create a local folder for the mount point.
sudo mkdir -m 755 <folder_name>

Create two folders because there are two partitions to mount.

sudo mkdir -m 755 /mnt/pi_dat
sudo mkdir -m 755 /mnt/pi_sys
6. Mount PI device to the local folders.
sudo mount -o exec <partition> <folder_name>

Two partitions should mount to two different folders.

sudo mount -o exec /dev/sdb1 /mnt/pi_dat
sudo mount -o exec /dev/sdc1 /mnt/pi_sys
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