The Global Availability of EdgeIPS Pro 2.0 , EdgeIPS LE 2.0 and EdgeOne 2.2
  • 30 Nov 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read

The Global Availability of EdgeIPS Pro 2.0 , EdgeIPS LE 2.0 and EdgeOne 2.2

Article summary


TXOne EdgeIPS Pro 2.0, EdgeIPS LE 2.0 and EdgeOne 2.2 have officially been released as of August 31, 2023 and are now available on MyTXOne Portal.

• EdgeOne 2.2
• EdgeIPS LE 2.0
• EdgeIPS Pro 216 / 216-R / 1048 / 2096 / 2008/ 2016F


EdgeOne V2.2 is capable of managing all V2.0 Edge series devices, including EdgeIPS, EdgeIPS Pro, EdgeIPS LE, and EdgeFire, giving OT operators a consolidated and comprehensive platform for daily security operations on a large scale. In addition, EdgeOne V2.2 debuts a brand-new feature “Interface Status View”, providing even more holistic and in-depth security insights into your OT environment.

EdgeIPS LE V2.0 revolutionizes the overall functionality by introducing new features such as passcode authentication for initial device onboarding, self-protection (for system security), RADIUS authentication, and more. Additionally, it enhances the security and usability of the V1.1 functions, offering OT operators impervious OT environments and seamless user experience.

Some of the new features are listed below. Please refer to the administrator's guide for more information.

Logical Port Pairs

The high bandwidth demands associated with on-site services can be a major application scenario for many organizations, particularly because it fulfills the requirement of high throughput and network redundancy. Therefore, today’s OT operations highly depend on high-speed operation in core OT networks.

EdgeIPS Pro’s Logical Port Pairs feature offers an effective solution to these challenges. With the ability to expand the bandwidth from one port to two or four ports, EdgeIPS Pro significantly enlarges the upper limit of a single virtual trunk of network interface by 4 times, also increasing the fault tolerance of OT operation.

Universal Bypass

Organizations have been operating outdated network structures for decades, so providing network redundancy capability against potential network appliance failure has become increasingly important. Unfortunately, assets with different operation purposes are equipped with a single network interface and lack high availability design from upper/lower management switches in the same network segment, creating a significant single point of failure.

Fortunately, EdgeIPS Pro offers a Universal Bypass feature that addresses these concerns head-on. With EdgeIPS Pro deployed under the management switch without a high availability design, EdgeIPS Pro provides an alternative route in case one of the management switch failure causes disconnection, increasing the fault tolerance of OT operation.

Domain Communication Management Across Multiple Sites Becomes Easier

Managing assets at Mixed IT/OT sites can be a significant challenge because some assets still need connectivity to external/cross-site services. The lack of domain name & IP management in external connections also exposes inefficiency to potential leakage risks.

EdgeIPS Pro offers domain name filter rule feature that inspects the domain name queries from assets, connecting to external services like Windows service update, intranet factory domain, or external factory domain. With this capability, OT administrators can effectively manage the connection behavior of assets across multiple OT sites, ensuring maximum security and productivity.

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